• Know of someone in need of a warm meal? How To Help!

  • An Amazing Year

    By Carmen Estrada

    It has been a year of challenges, growth and learning. The Lord’s faithfulness has been evident and vital to Mustard Seed Café and The Amigos Garden. Our mission, to “feed hungry people and care for their hearts,” has been practiced and reflected daily to our community, starting with our volunteers, board members, and staff. Each meal is prepared and served knowing that it is a genuine expression of the love and grace of Jesus.


    More than 26,000 meals have been distributed so far this year to different areas of our community. We know that hunger does not distinguish between color, age, social status, race, border, and much less zip code; emotional hunger is growing faster than any epidemic; and spiritual hunger can only be satisfied by the Lord.


    A body of faithful volunteers is ready to serve and worship through cleaning, cutting, preparing, creating, planting, composting, organizing, baking; all to serve a tasty and nutritional meal free of charge with no requirement.


    We recognize that we are not doing this alone, that your support has been essential. Your prayer, financial donations, donating goods and produce, distributing meals, collecting donations, being our ambassadors: this is what makes The Mustard Seed Café and The Amigos Garden a unique ministry!


    Our prayer is that together we will continue under God’s leadership to serve our vibrant community, until no child will go to bed with an empty stomach, no senior has to eat an unhealthy meal, and no parent has to worry about what their family will eat tomorrow. Muchisimas gracias!