• Know of someone in need of a warm meal? How To Help!

  • Volunteer Corner

    At our last Volunteer Meeting, Carmen asked our volunteers to share what they love about the Seed – here is some of what they said…

    Mike said, “There’s incredible opportunities here to serve God and to see what He does in those who are homeless, hurting, lost. We can show the love of Christ to people that need it.”

    Sue shared, “This is my second family. It’s such a blessing to be here and pray for those who serve and those we serve.”

    Gabby says, “I feel blessed to be here. I am welcomed and feel at home.”

    Rosie says, “I love coming here because I see God every single time I am here. He is evident with the volunteers, seeing what He provides, the people he brings here. My faith is uplifted and encouraged!”

    Our five-star volunteers are the hands and feet of the Mustard Seed Cafe. We are blessed to have them all to be part of our ministry! We look forward to sharing more stories from and about them. Come and be part of us!